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Genealogical Web Site
Surname Researchers

         To post a surname, please send your message to James F. Thoma .  Please include your first name, last name, and e-mail address in your query request.  Requests submitted without this information will not be processed.   This list was purged of bad e-mail addresses on Mar 09, 2020.

          Surnames are now being alphabetized.  Submitters who request a posting of an already existing surname will be grouped with that surname.

ADAIRStephanie L. Layman07/16/1999
Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
ADAMS Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
Marlin S. Buelow 05/17/2003
ADAMS *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
ALLISONJudy Freeman 06/17/2003
AMBROSENancy Grace 05/17/2005
ARNOLDRobert Risner09/13/2010
AYRESGary Babler05/20/2001
BABLERGary Babler05/20/2001
BACKBill Scroggin03/10/2020
Tom Mead 03/10/2020
BAILEY(LY)DeLora Eager Wood 12/08/1999
BIDSTRUPJudd Stiff01/01/1999
BONENEthel Rose Wesselman Mileski 07/04/2000
BORNTerry Smith05/13/1999
BOSLER Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
BOYERStephanie L. Layman09/16/1999
BRENNEISENKathy Slyngstad Aho03/11/2020
BRERETONSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
BRIDGES Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
BRISCOEAndrea Wieland05/20/2000
Harold H. Kerr II 03/10/2020
BRIZENDINENancy Grace 05/17/2005
BUCKNER *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
CARPENTERKathleen Ellis07/30/1999
CARTNERFrancis Doutt Smith04/21/1999
Nancy Grace 05/16/2005
CASEFrances Doutt Smith04/21/1999
CHAMBERSStephanie L. Layman09/16/1999
CHAMBERLINRobert Risner09/13/2010
CHANEYSusan Decker01/01/1999
CHISM *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
CHRISTIAN *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
CLARKDebi Ohanian01/01/1999
CLARK(E)Debi Ohanian 01/01/1999
Betsy Stuerke 03/10/2020
COATS, COATES, COATECharlotte Coats 02/10/2001
COLEBill Scroggin03/10/2020
COLLINSJudy Collins01/01/1999
COOPERSusan Decker01/01/1999
CRANMER Kathy Murphy 12/02/2000
CRIPPENLaurie Dean09/11/1999
CROWSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
CRUMP *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
DAVISDorothy Harlan03/10/2020
Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
Robert Risner 09/13/2010
DAYLettie Kirby 03/10/2020
DENSMANJames F. Thoma04/26/1999
DEUELDorothy Harlan03/10/2010
DEWITTStacy Hall10/25/2005
Kellie Crnkovich08/03/2004
DICKSONCassie Hill 04/10/2002
Marlin S. Buelow 05/17/2003
DIETZELNancy Grace 05/17/2005
DILLARDBill Scroggin03/10/2020
DILLONLettie Kirby03/10/2020
DISHIONNancy Grace 05/17/2005
DRAFFENKathleen Ellis07/30/1999
DRINKWATERMichele Matthews04/31/2006
DUNCANMarilyn Wright01/01/2007
DUNNENWORTHBetty Hundley07/01/2007
EADESKeith Daleen 07/01/2000
EAGERDeLora Eager Wood10/02/1999
ELDERNancy Grace 05/17/2005
ELDREDGE Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
ELLER Marlin S. Buelow 05/17/2003
EMBRYKathleen Ellis07/30/1999
FELANDArlene Hendricks09/16/1999
FINLEY *African AmericanLucy M. Porter 05/02/2005
FISCHERRita Meistrell05/02/2000
FISHERGlenda Bales Mounger01/01/1999
FRANKENRita Meistrell05/02/2000
FRIEDRICHJames F. Thoma04/26/1999
GANTNERGeorge Gantner 03/01/2003
GERKELettie Kirby 03/10/2020
GERLINGEthel Rose Wesselman Mileski 07/04/2000
GILBREATH Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
GIVENSNancy Turney 01/07/2001
Sue Givens 04/10/2002
GOLLADAYJudd Stiff01/01/1999
GOOCHDeLora Eager Wood10/02/1999
GOODING Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
GOSNELLHarold Gosnell04/09/2000
GRAMLICHKathy Slyngstad Aho03/11/2020
GROSSApril Gross03/25/2001
HAMPTONJoanne Hampton Guibert01/01/1999
HANLINNancy Grace 05/17/2005
HARLANDorothy Harlan03/10/2020
HARRISBob E. Comer01/26/2000
HARRISONSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
HAYDENMary M. Lam08/27/2000
HIRSTFrancine Marie (Rodgers) Draves 04/06/2007
HOPKINSJohn D. Hopkins11/15/2001
HORNBECKNancy Grace 05/17/2005
HOWARD *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
HUGHESJudy Collins01/01/1999
HUNDLEYBetty Hundley07/01/2007
HURT Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
JENNINGS *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
JENNINGSKellie Crnkovich08/03/2004
Harold H. Kerr II 03/10/2020
JENRYBetty Hundley07/01/2007
JOHNSON *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
Lucy M. Porter 05/02/2005
JOHNSTON Margie Bridges12/26/2000
Dorothy Harlan03/10/2020
JONES *African AmericanJanice Quinn 11/16/2005
JUDY Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
KAVANAUGHAndrea Wieland05/20/2000
Harold H. Kerr II 03/10/2020
KEETONAndrea Wieland05/20/2000
KINBROUGHJudy Collins01/01/1999
KNEDGENMary Jo Schleicher07/08/2021
KRUEGERLaurie Dean09/11/1999
KUHLOWGeraldine Miller06/16/2002
KUHNIBoyd Leuenberger01/01/1999
LACY Tom Mead 03/10/2020
LAMMERSEthel Rose Wesselman Mileski 07/04/2000
LANGLettie Kirby 03/10/2020
LANGLOTZJames F. Thoma04/26/1999
LARIMOREBob E. Comer 01/26/2000
Robert Risner 09/13/2010
LARMKathy Slyngstad Aho03/11/2020
LEUENBERGERBoyd Leuenberger01/01/1999
LEVERIDGECarol Leveridge01/01/1999
LEWIS *African American Janice Quinn 11/16/2005
LINDSEY *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
Lucy M. Porter 05/02/2005
LIONBERGERDorothy Harlan03/10/2020
LUTZKathy Slyngstad Aho03/11/2020
MAPLESRobert Risner09/13/2010
MARCHNancy Grace 05/17/2005
MARTINLettie Kirby03/10/2020
McBROOMSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
McCARTY Marlin S. Buelow 05/17/2003
McCLAINFrancine Marie (Rodgers) Draves 04/06/2007
McCLARYNancy Grace 05/17/2005
McCLURE *African AmericanLucy M. Porter 05/02/2005
McCULLOCHKathleen Ellis07/30/1999
McDANIELNancy Grace 05/17/2005
McDONALDLettie Kirby 03/10/2020
McGINNISSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
McNEILFrances Doutt Smith04/21/1999
MEISTRELLRita Meistrell05/02/2000
MEYERKathy Slyngstad Aho03/11/2020
MEYERSPam Infanger 10/24/2001
MILES *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
MILLS Margie Bridges 12/26/2000
MONROE Mike Kelly 11/25/2000
MOORE *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
MONROECarol Leveridge01/01/1999
MORRISSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
MUNROCarol Leveridge01/01/1999
MUSICKNancy Grace 05/17/2005
MURPHYDeLora Eager Wood12/08/1999
NICHOLSMarian Douglas, near Kosovo Skopje, Macedonia03/25/2000
NEWMANWilliam R. Newman06/15/2001
OGDENStephanie L. Layman09/16/1999
O'NEALNancy Turney 01/07/2001
O'ROARKMary O'Roark Glenn06/23/2007
PAYNE Patricia Jantzen 03/13/2005
PIATTRolando Lara01/01/1999
Nancy Grace05/17/2005
PITCHFORDSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
POTTERKellie Crnkovich10/25/2005
Bill Scroggin03/10/2020
PULLEYKris Grubbs12/28/2010
Robert Risner09/13/2010
RACY / RASEYNancy Grace 02/06/2002
RANKINMarilyn Wright01/01/2007
RENNISONFrances Doutt Smith04/21/1999
Nancy Grace05/17/2005
REYNOLDSStephanie L. Layman09/16/1999
RICHARDSON Francine Marie (Rodgers) Draves 04/06/2007
RICHEY / RITCHEY / RICHIE / RITCHIE Michael Richey 04/28/2008
RIESPam Infanger 10/24/2001
Glenda bales Mounger02/19/2010
ROBISONSusan R. Robinson01/01/1999
RODGERSFrancine Marie (Rodgers) Draves 04/06/2007
ROGERS Karen Wieckert 10/14/2001
ROSSStacy Hall010/25/2005
Jason Ross01/01/1999
Julie Garand01/25/2000
ROSS *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
RYEDoris Loupee 05/20/2001
ROWEJohn D. Hopkins11/15/2001
ROWLES *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
SALZMANRobert Risner09/13/2010
SCHLINKMEIERLaurie Dean09/11/1999
SCHLUPTerry Smith05/13/1999
SCHNUCKDorothy Harlan03/10/2020
SCHRICK Kathy Murphy 12/02/2000
SCHUPP Carol Leveridge 01/01/1999
Pam Infanger 10/24/2001
SCHWARTZLettie Kirby 03/10/2020
SCOTTDwight M. Scott 06/25/2002
SEATKrista Irwin 10/04/2002
SHOEMAKERKevin W. Daniel01/01/1999
SIMMONSJames F. Thoma 03/20/2020
SLATONSharon Leonard 04/24/2003
SMITH Rita Meistrell05/02/2000
Judy Collins01/01/1999
SMITH *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
SNODGRASSJulie Garand01/25/2000
SOMBARTMarilyn Wright01/01/2007
SPENCERNancy Grace 05/17/2005
STEELEShane Steele 04/17/2000
Rita Meistrell05/02/2000
Terry Steele Curtis 09/08/2005
STEPHENS *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
STEPHENS Cassie Hill 04/10/2002
STINSON *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
STOECKLEINEthel Rose Wesselman Mileski 07/04/2000
STONENancy Grace 05/17/2005
STUBERHarold Gosnell04/09/2000
SWITZLERJanet Petton04/25/1999
TAYLOR Marlin S. Buelow05/17/2003
Ed Heitz 01/14/2002
TEZONLettie Kirby 03/10/2020
THOMAJames F. Thoma04/26/1999
THOMASDeLora Eager Wood10/02/1999
THORPGary Babler05/20/2001
TODDMary McCune 12/11/2001
TRIGGDorothy Harlan03/10/2020
TRUITTJudy Collins01/01/1999
TURPIN Nancy Turney 01/07/2001
TURNER Robert Risner 09/13/2010
TUTT *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
VAUGHAN / VAUGHNMichael Richey09/11/2008
VIVION Mike Kelly11/25/2000
VOLKHARTStephanie L. Layman09/16/1999
VOLLMERLettie Kirby 03/10/2020
WAGNERPam Infanger 11/09/2002
WALLBetsy Stuerke 03/10/2020
WALLACEJanet Petton04/25/1999
Andrea Wieland05/20/2000
WARRICK *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
WEIMHOLDTKathy Slyngstad Aho03/11/2020
WIECKERT Karen Wieckert 10/14/2001
WILLIAMS *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
WILSON *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
WILSONMargaret Phillips 11/26/2011
WISNERCassie Hill 11/20/2002
WOLFFSusan R. Robinson01/01/1999
WOLFENancy Grace 05/17/2005
WOOLERYHarold Gosnell02/08/2001
WOODSJudy Collins01/01/1999
Andrea Wieland05/20/2000
Harold H. Kerr II 03/10/2020
WRIGHT *African AmericanTraci Wilson-Kleekamp 04/24/2000
WYANDorothy Harlan03/10/2020
YANCEYDennis Yancey04/21/1999
Marian Douglas06/29/2001
YANCYDennis Yancey04/21/1999
Marian Douglas06/29/2001
YOUNGMarilyn Wright01/01/2007


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