Welcome to the Cooper County, Missouri
Genealogical Web Site
Historical Records

This section provides historical information on Cooper County either in the form of transcribed historical reference works or articles of historical or amusing import.

Artisans and Craftsmen Artisans and Craftsmen of Cooper County
This is a incomplete attempt to chronicle various artisans and craftsmen of early Cooper County. If you have additions or changes, please send them to me.
Cooper County Businesses Boonville Businesses of 1927
A short list of some of the shops in Boonville in 1927.
Banking and Commerce Banking and Commerce in 1847
This is a translation of an original 1847 letter from Mr. Isaac Lionberger of Boonville to his merchant creditors in Philadelpha, PA. In it he directs how his debts are to be repaid.
Cigar Making The Brown Leaf
A short article on the tobacco manufacturers and cigar makers of Boonville, Cooper County, Missouri.

Steamboats on the Missouri Steamboats on the Missouri River
"A Brief History of Steamboating on the Missouri River with an Emphasis on the Boonslick Region" by Robert L Dyer.  A very, very interesting article on steamboating with some genealogical information.
A Century Ago A Century Ago
The early history of Cooper County as written in 1916.
The Draper Papers The Draper Papers of the Indian Wars of 1812-1815
Contributed by Kathy Bowlin, these papers chronicle life in the Boone's Lick Settlement during the time of the Indian Wars. There is information here on the earliest settlers of Cooper County that I have not found anywhere else. Interesting to read regardless of whether your ancestors are among the earliest settlers.
Chapter 01 CHAPTER 01: Early Settlement of Southwestern Cooper County
Chapter 02 CHAPTER 02: Pre-History and Early History of New Lebanon
Chapter 03 CHAPTER 03: Some Early (Pre-1830 New Lebanon Settlers and Their Families
Chapter 04 CHAPTER 04: The New Lebanon Seminary and the New Lebanon Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Chapter 05 CHAPTER 05: The New Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1847-1869)
Chapter 06 CHAPTER 06: The New Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1869-1884)
Chapter 07 CHAPTER 07: The New Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1884-1906)
Chapter 08 CHAPTER 08: The New Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1907-1968)
Chapter 09 CHAPTER 09: The New Lebanon School
Chapter 10 CHAPTER 10: The New Lebanon Cemetery
Chapter 11 Surnames A - H CHAPTER 11: Epilogue
Above, please find the "History of New Lebanon Cooper County Missouri" written by Eugene Allen Cordry (now deceased) and transcribed by Gary Harvey. This is a definitive work on the history and people in southwest Cooper County, Missouri. Includes surnames A through H.
Chapter 11 Surnames I - Z CHAPTER 11: Epilogue
Above, please find the "History of New Lebanon Cooper County Missouri" written by Eugene Allen Cordry (now deceased) and transcribed by Gary Harvey. This is a definitive work on the history and people in southwest Cooper County, Missouri. Includes surnames I though Z.
Small Town Life Small Town Life
This article is from a 1950 issue of Life and is entitled the "Golden Years Before the War". It is a brief pictorial history of Boonville pre WWI.
1857 Wagon Journey Across the Plains in 1867 and Back in 1859
The reminiscences on Aratus Deuel's trip from Iowa to California and then back in 1859. This family has relatives in Cooper County.
Solano County Pioneers Solano County, California Pioneers
The early pioneers of Solono County, California were also among the early pioneers of Cooper and Howard Counties. So read on and find out what happened to some of our pionners who moved west.
Spring Park Spring Park
A brief article on Spring Park, the home of Saunders Townsend.
Pisgah and Greenwood School Pisgah and Greenwood School of Days Gone By
Wade Shipley recounts stories of his parents and grandparents while growing up in the Pisgah Community and attending the Greenwood School.
Rankin Letter An 1849 letter from James Rankin of Hickory County, Missouri to his brother William Rankin of Rankin's Mill in Cooper County, Missouri.

Aunt Eternity's Curse Aunt Eternity's Curse
A folk lore ghost store of the slave, Aunt Eternity; and her curse on the Muir family of Boonville, Missouri.
Ravenswood Ghost Just Another House, Or Is It
The music box and other going ons at the Ravenswood mansion.
Merna Road Ghost Merna Road: Following The Road Of Terror
The ghost and ghost lights at Merna.
Overton Ghost The Overton Ghost
The story of the murder of a rich traveling merchant; the black crepe dress and death of the old wife. The husband's remarriage and the arrival of the black coach on the wedding day. The black coach haunts the roads around Overton to this day.
Screaming Bridge Creepy Sounds Heard on "Screaming Bridge"
This ghost story is one that I have never heard.
Spook Hollow The Clark's Fork Spook Hollow
"Written by Charles van Ravanswaay, this is a Halloween story of local interest. Put the kids to bed before reading it. Transcribed by Dee Godkin

The Murder of Mr. Mapes Murder and Lynch Law
The story of the murder of Mr Mapes (Maples) by his wife, brother-in-law and others. Followed by a lesson in lynch law. This story is found in none of the history books.
The Hanging of John I West The Story of John Isaac West
"John Isaac West was hanged in Boonville on Friday May 16, 1879.  This is his story as recorded by the Boonville Weekly Advertiser, with a few later additions.
Coroner Inquest Reocrds Cooper County Cornoner Inquest Records 1824 - 1929
"Okay, so the Coroner Inquest Records are not solely about murder. But there are few murders in with the accidents and suicides; so why not place this record here?

Cherokee Land Rush Homer Davis Let Cooper County Men to 'Cherokee' Land Rush
The story of Judge Homer Davis and other Cooper Countians in the Okalahoma Land Rush. Originally published in the March 17, 1948 issue of the Boonville Daily News.

Slave Narrative Delicia Had Some Temper
A Slave Narrative of Delicia Patterson taken by the Federal Writers Project in 1936 - 1938.
Slave Narrative How Did Uncle Joe Get Home?
A Slave Narrative of Joe Higgerson taken by the Federal Writers Project in 1937.
Mrs. Frances Oliver Mother Oliver Recalls Watching Jesse James Slay a Praying Man.
A short history of Mrs. Frances Marie Oliver, originally of Otterville.


People in the 1849 Gold Rush A List of '49ers
A listing of people from Cooper and adjoining counties who made the trek to California and later returned home.
1849 Gold Rush Kept A Diary While Crossing the Plains in 1849.
The story of George Brittain of Boonville who made the trek to California. He later moved his family to that state.
Political Graveyard Politicans With Links to Cooper County
Taken from the Political Graveyard web site, these politicans somehow have links to Cooper County, Missouri.
Reminiscences of the Women Reminiscences of the Women of Missouri During the Sixties
These intriguing stories were submitted by Cooper County women after the Civil War. It tells of what they endured. Since the book was put Published by the Missouri Division United Daughters of the Confederacy; it understandable was complied by Confederate wives. Transcribed and submitted by Jerry Patricia Austin, Ph.D.
Towns, Villages, and Places Cooper County Places
A list of current and past towns, villages, and places located in Cooper County, Missouri. Includes driving directions and short synopsis on most places.

Boonville's Last Day Boonville's Last Day
A story of the apocalyse of the Millerite movement in Boonville in 1844.
Spurious Books of the Bible Spurious Books of the Bible
A treatise on W. D. Mahan "Archko Volume".
The Archko Volume Chapter 1 of the Archko Volume
The Reverend W. D Mahan of Boonville spent the best years of his life researching Biblical events of the New Testament. This first chapter of his life's work is a justification of what follows in the rest of the book. However, to judge whether the writings that Mahan does on parts of the life of Jesus is a hoax or the truth; you will need to read the whole book.


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